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Cobalt 60 irradiation sterilization

2022-12-10 15:03:41

Cobalt 60 irradiation technology and science are well known to users and regulators. Therefore, it has been widely used in many industries to improve the safety and quality of its products. Regulators around the world have approved a large number of extensive medical care products for treatment by cobalt 60 radiation. Today, more than 40% of disposable medical devices are disinfected by this technology. This makes it a large irradiation sterilization technology with considerable advantages. Its volume is about the same as those treated with ethylene oxide (EO) gas. Therefore, Cobalt 60 irradiation is crucial to ensure that the healthcare industry can meet the global demand for sterile medical devices.

Cobalt 60 irradiation is particularly suitable for batch sterilization because it can penetrate a variety of materials, products and packaging well. This makes the technology particularly effective for handling dense products and large packages including pallets. This is the advantage of Cobalt-60 irradiation over electron beam (electron beam) technology, while X-ray irradiation also has the ability to handle dense and large packaging.

Compared with other sterilization technologies, cobalt 60 irradiation is a simple process. The process is controlled by a few parameters, which can be easily determined and verified. Cobalt 60 irradiation uses durable industrial equipment instead of high-tech machines, which improves reliability and uptime and reduces the need for skilled experts to perform repair and maintenance work. An important feature of the Cobalt 60 irradiation industry is the numerous processing facilities around the world that can provide local and global support to the medical device industry, often with additional or backup facilities if needed.

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